Yiran African Arts
Aims at enriching the mind and the community through the diverse beauty of (symbolic) African Arts.
Our mission is to connect with the community by sharing Fred’s art work. We hope to offer our patrons a way of expanding their knowledge and understanding of African arts and cultures.
Fred Yiran used all art forms to express his art. He moved freely from painting, carving, sculpting, storytelling and music.
However, his first real love was painting, and it has been the backbone of his work throughout the years.
Get the latest news about Yiran African Arts, and look for upcoming events.
Read the story of Fred Yiran's journey from his roots in Cameroon to his life as a teaching artist in Minnesota.
Fred taught us to "fill our basket of knowledge" (our minds), encourage community, honor wisdom and creativity, and respect human dignity.
Gain a deeper understanding of Fred's images, and see how these symbols are the foundation at the heart of Fred's artwork
36 page coloring book filled with 15 of Fred's designs for you to color and learn about.
Interested in owning reproductions of Fred's artwork?
Please consider a free will donation in support of Fred’s Legacy.