Fred Yiran African Arts Day Scenes

Fred Yiran Day 2023

2023 Fred Yiran African Arts Day LIBATION
Libations are done all over the world to awaken the ancestors, thank them, and then make requests.It usually consists of three important parts:

  1. Ijuba (Reverence)
  2. Requests, and
  3. Prayers

It may be done with water, liquor or wine.  Some of material used is poured on the ground to connect with the ancestors, and then a small amount is drunk.  It is an important component of any significant community event.

A Yoruba Folktale

A O’Merin Joba (“An Elephant Shall Be Our King”)
(Told by Professor Oladele Gazal, St. Cloud State University)

Many Cultures Become One Community

The last Sunday in June is when we gather to celebrate the many African cultures living in the upper midwest.